Stars and Stories: The Black Star Radio Podcast
Broadcasting straight from the heart of Remote Communities, Black Star Radio brings a fresh twist to local radio with stories, music, and connections that matter. Powered by Queensland Remote Aboriginal Media (QRAM), we’re here to amplify voices, celebrate culture, and bring you the latest from Far North Queensland.

Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
Sea Shepherd Healing Country - Herberton NAIDOC 2021
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
Inspiring interview with Samm Martin (The Bush Tukka Woman) and Tamsin representing Sea Shepherd with the Marine Debris Crew at the HERBERTON NAIDOC celebration 2021. Heal Country! Great discussion on how to prevent plastics ending up in the ocean and how to be more conscience of taking care of our Mother Earth.
Picture courtesy of Sea Shepherd Facebook page.

Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Troy Cassar-Daley Savannah In The Round Sept 2021
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Great interview with Mark Hogan and Troy Cassar-Daley at the Savannah in the Rounds 2021.

Friday Sep 24, 2021
Julie Inman-Grant eSafety Commissioner
Friday Sep 24, 2021
Friday Sep 24, 2021
Your Online Journey app launched to improve Indigenous digital literacy and online safety.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians will now have access to an innovative new digital tool to support them in improving their digital literacy and protect their online safety.
The app, launched today by the Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Nigel Scullion, is funded by the Coalition Government through the Indigenous Advancement Strategy and is specifically designed for use in remote Indigenous communities.
“Remote communities are increasingly using online services as a way of connecting with friends and family across country and to support access to services. While there are many benefits to online connectivity, it’s critically important that people are aware of the risks and know how to protect themselves online,” Minister Scullion said.
“Today, on Safer Internet Day, I am pleased to announce the launch of the Your Online Journey app, created in partnership with Indigenous communities and the Office of the eSafety Commissioner - Julie Inman Grant.
“Increasingly, we are living in two worlds – community and a digital world. So much of our everyday activities are online or require the use of technology in one form or another,” Minister Scullion said.
“We are supporting Indigenous Australians in remote communities to build digital capacity and confidence online. The app will help people to safely access the opportunities the digital world provides, be it connecting with family, study, research, online shopping, banking or job seeking.
“The app shares how to safely use social media, manage your online footprint and how best to deal in the instance of online bullying. I’m pleased that early feedback from communities has been really positive about what this app will mean for them.”
eSafety Commissioner, Ms Julie Inman Grant, praised the benefits of the new app.
“We have worked in partnership with Indigenous communities of Koonibba and Yalata in SA and Hay in NSW, to develop this app as a fantastic tool to meet the specific needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians,” Ms Inman Grant said.
“Your Online Journeyhelps address the digital literacy and safety needs of remote Indigenous communities by providing straightforward and easy to understand information, including the fundamentals of using mobile devices and social media safely.”
The investment builds on the Government’s $3.6 million investment in new community internet access in over 70 remote Indigenous communities. This is in addition to more than $3 million a year for ongoing community-based internet and telephone services in remote Indigenous communities.
The app is free to download and is available now from app platforms the AppStore and Google Play and will be available on a number of other sites including the Office of the eSafety Commissioner website and
Picture courtesy of Julie Anman Grant LinkedIn

Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Bev Hamerton TCHHS Vaccination Rollout 2021
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Bev Hamerton TCHHS Vaccination Rollout 2021.
The TCHHS are having hesitancy in receiving the vaccine throughout the Cape and Torres.

Friday Sep 17, 2021
Christine Mann - talking about Covid19 Rollout Vaccination in Cape York
Friday Sep 17, 2021
Friday Sep 17, 2021
Christine Mann - NWHHS talking about Rollout Vaccination in remote Aboriginal communities through out the Gulf and Cape York regions.

Friday Sep 17, 2021
Gwion Cain discussion on Suicide Prevention
Friday Sep 17, 2021
Friday Sep 17, 2021
FNQ Suicide Prevention Week 2021
FNQ Suicide Prevention Week, hosted by the FNQ Suicide Prevention Taskforce , is from Friday 3 September to Friday 10 September 2021 and is held because RUOK Day and World Suicide Prevention Day fall within the same week.
Many activities are being planned for this week and we shall keep you informed regarding the events as they are confirmed.

Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
MP Robbie Katter discussion about Blue Cards in Remote Communities
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
First Australians denied the right to work by Brisbane-based bureaucrats will be empowered to secure jobs and provide for their families through legislation introduced into the Queensland Parliament by Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) today.
The revised Working with Children (Indigenous Communities) Amendment Bill 2021, which will delegate decision-making powers around Blue Cards to Indigenous community leaders in certain situations, has been introduced for the third time by KAP Leader and Traeger MP Robbie Katter.

Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
Luke Wenitong Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander QLD Human Rights Commission:: PART B
The Queensland Human Rights Commission operates a statewide telephone information and enquiry service.
Call 1300 130 670 from anywhere in Queensland toll free.
Our enquiry line operates Monday to Friday, 9am to 4:30pm.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Unit Cairns office:
Jodie Luck - 07 3021 9113 or email
Luke Wenitong - 07 4037 2104 or email

Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
Luke Wenitong talks about 'Your cultural rights are protected'
The distinct cultural rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are protected by the Human Rights Act 2019.
Section 28 of the Human Rights Act says you have the right to live life as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person and to practice your culture, including:
Maintaining and using Indigenous languages;
Maintaining kinship ties;
Teaching cultural practices and educating children; and
The right to maintain distinctive spiritual, material and economic relationships with land, water and other resources that there is a connection with under traditional laws and customs.
It also states you have the right not to be subjected to forced assimilation or the destruction of your culture.
To discuss further you can contact one of the
QHRC : Contact Us
QHRC : Queensland Human Rights Commission -

Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
Dr Annie Preston - Thomas
Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
Dr Annie Preston - Thomas talking with Mark Hogan
Dr Preston-Thomas said the disease usually began with a mild fever and a runny nose. “This is followed by a sore throat and mouth, with the appearance of blisters in the mouth, and on hands and feet,” she said. “Sometimes blisters may also be seen on knees, elbows or in the nappy area. “The blisters usually last for 3-5 days.”
Dozens of cases of Hand, Foot and Mouth disease have been identified by public health officials across Far North Queensland. Here's what you can do to prevent the disease spreading.
Parents are being urged to watch out for Hand, Foot and Mouth disease following dozens of cases that have been identified in the Far North.
There have been more than 60 presentations of Hand, Foot and Mouth disease (HFMD) to Cairns Hospital’s Emergency Department since the start of the year, including 9 patient admissions.
Tropical Public Health Services Cairns public health medical officer, Dr Annie Preston-Thomas, said the team was aware of at least 15 day-care centres affected by the disease across the Cairns and Tablelands regions since early January.
Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease
Hand, foot and mouth disease starts with blisters that begin as small red dots which later become ulcers.
Blisters appear inside the cheeks, gums, and on the sides of the tongue, as well as on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet.
In infants, blisters can sometimes be seen in the nappy area. Blisters usually last for 3-5 days
Children can sometimes have a low fever, irritability, sore throat, tiredness, feel off colour and may be off their food for a day or two.
Very rarely, enteroviruses can cause other illnesses that affect the heart, brain, lining of the brain (meningitis), lungs, or eyes.
Signs that an infant or older child might have a more serious form of hand, foot and mouth disease include any of the following:
Persistent fever (38°C or above for 72 hours or more)
Abnormal movements / jerking movements
Rapid breathing
Excessive tiredness, drowsiness
Excessive irritability
Difficulty walking.
If any of these signs are present, then the child should be seen by a doctor urgently even if they have been checked earlier in the illness.

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